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IEC 60884-1 Kapitola 28.1.3 Obrázek 43 Izolační objímky kolíků zástrčky Abnormální testovací zařízení tepelné odolnosti

Číslo produktu: LS-B17

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  • The LS-B17 Insulating Sleeves of Plug Pins Abnormal Heat Resistance Test Device fully meets IEC 60884-1:2022 Clause 28.1.3 Figure 43 (GB/T 2099.1-2021 Clause 28.1.3 and Figure 40). Applicable to abnormal heat resistance and flame resistance test of plugs with insulating sleeves.

    Test principle: Use a heating plate to heat the copper socket to simulate the situation where the plug and plug insulating sleeve is subjected to abnormal heat, so as to test its heat resistance.

    IEC 60884-1 (GB/T 2099.1) „Zástrčky a zásuvky pro domácnost a podobné účely – Část 1: Všeobecné požadavky“ Odstavec 28.1.3 Obrázek 43

    Insulation plate: 5mm thick round flat surface, diameter is twice the diameter of the test piece contact surface, made of bakelite or epoxy board
    Metal part B (fixture): length greater than 20mm, made of brass, standard with GB6A two-pin, GB10A three-pin, GB16A three-pin, etc., can be customized
    Gap between insulation plate and metal part B: 3±0.2mm, to ensure air convection around the pins
    Thermocouple distance from the front of metal part B: 7±0.5mm
    Pin insertion hole on metal part B: larger than the maximum cross-sectional size of the pin by 0.1mm
    • Equipped with K-type thermoelectric heater, imported high-precision digital temperature control meter

    IEC 60884-1 Ustanovení 28.1.3 Obrázek 43
